Monday, May 25, 2009

What Makes A Friend?

A friend is someone who is always there,
Someone with whom your day you share.

A friend is there to lend a hand,
In times of need they understand.

A friend is there to lift your spirit,
When your in doubt and can not bear it.

They have a way to make you smile,
And always go that extra mile.

All this I have found in YOU,
No longer am I feeling blue.

I am glad that you're my friend,
And that on you I can depend!

For always being there for me!!!

Thanks my bud...

Though we seldom meet,


Our friendship stil strong!!

What Is Friendship?

Perhaps the one relation that has survived the trials and tribulations of time and has still remained unconditional is friendship. A unique blend of affection, loyalty, love, respect, trust and loads of fun is perhaps what describes the true meaning of friendship between two individuals. Similar interests, mutual respect and strong attachment with each other are what friends share between each other. These are just the general traits of a friendship. To experience what is friendship, one must have true friends, who are indeed rare treasure.

Different people have different definitions of friendship. For some, it is the trust in an individual that he / she won't hurt you. For others, it is unconditional love. There are some who feel that friendship is companionship. People form definitions based on the kind of experiences they have had. This is one relation that has been nurtured since times immemorial. There are famous stories about friends in mythologies of different religions all over the world. They say a person who has found a faithful friend has found a priceless treasure.

Psychologically speaking, friendship may be defined as "a dynamic, mutual relationship between two individuals. As children become friends, they negotiate boundaries within which both partners function". This helps them to function like healthy individuals in life as they learn to draw a line as and when needed in a relation. This greatly helps in the emotional development of an individual. However, any relation needs constant nurturing and development from all the people that are involved in one. Friendship cannot survive if one person makes all the effort to sustain it without any mutual recognition from others.

Since friendship starts the moment a child starts socializing, the kind of friends that the child chooses should be taken care of till the time he / she learns to differentiate between right and wrong. Wrong peers or lack of socializing can lead to severe psychological traumas and disorders, finally leading to social maladjustment. The correct peer group is essential for the development of the personality of a child. Both positive and negative experiences refine the personality of the individual. Thus it is essential that you find friends who are compatible with you on an emotional and psychological basis.




詳細分析: 您的性格類型是「ESFJ」( 主人型 )

有 愛心、有責任心、合作。希望周邊的環境溫馨而和諧,並為此果斷地營造這樣的環境。喜歡和他人一起精確並及時地完成任務。忠誠,即使在細微地事情上也如此。 能體察到他人在日常生活中的所需並竭盡全力幫助。希望自己和自己的所為能受到他人的認可和賞識。ESFJ型的人通過直接的行動和合作積極地以真實、實際的 方法幫助別人。他們友好、富有同情心和責任感。ESFJ型的人把他們同別人的關係放在十分重要的位置,所以他們往往具有和睦的人際關係,並且通過很大的努 力以獲得和維持這種關係。事實上,他們常常理想化自己欣賞的人或物。ESFJ型的人往往對自己以及自己的成績十分欣賞,因而他們對於批評或者別人的漠視很 敏感。通常他們很果斷,表達自己的堅定的主張,樂於事情能很快 得到解決。ESFJ型的人很現實,他們講求實際、實事求是和安排有序。他們參與並能記住重要的事情和細節,樂於別人也能對自己的事情很確信。他們在自己的 個人經歷或 在他們所信賴之人的經驗之上制定計劃或得出見解。他們知道並參與周圍的物質世界,並喜歡具有主動性和創造性。ESFJ型的人十分小心謹慎,也非常傳統化, 因而他們能恪守自己的責任與承諾。他們支持現存制度,往往是委員會或組織機構中積極主動和樂於合作的成員,他們重視並能保持很好的社交關係。他們不辭勞苦 地幫助他人,尤其在遇到困難或取得成功時,他們都很積極活躍。


您 適合的職業有:公關客戶經理,個人銀行業務員,銷售代表,人力資源顧問,零售商,餐飲業主,房地產經紀人,營銷經理,電話營銷員,辦公室經理,接待員,信 貸顧問,簿記員,口筆譯人員,房地產經紀人,護士,按摩師,運動教練,飲食業管理,旅遊管理,辦公室行政或管理人員,秘書,總經理助理,項目經理,客戶服 務部人員,理貨員/採購,採購和物流管理人員,內科醫生,牙科醫生,健康護理指導師,飲食學、營養學專家,小學教師(班主任),學校管理者等銀行,酒店、 大型企業客戶服務代表,公共關係部主任,商場經理

Friday, May 22, 2009

Unsent Message....

hate come what i do he also want to control!!!!
i'm big enough....
i don't like being control by him!!!!!mind your own business!!! !@#$%^&*
i feel you very busy body!!! don't disturb my life can??
sometime i feel i happier if holiday i didn't come back !!!
after i back here.. do what go where... all also under your control!!!!
can you please don't control so much??
you want freedom...i want also...
you don't like i ask about your things....
you please don't do what you don't like to others!!!!
its over!!!!!
if you want to control also got its limit!!!
please behave yourself!!!
or time i won't back here so early!!!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

short story...

last few days..if not mistaken is tuesday.... i go Parkson find my "daddy"...
haha..he is the Parkson Manager...fuyoh...respect him...
so happy can see him...
its been a long time i didn't meet him up....
so miss him...lolx...
that day i go with lynn (my best bud)
we go by bus... then reach there...walked whole Prangin Mall...
walked Pacific....he stil busy...
finally he free...
he sms me said " i was out just now"
then i replied... "Parkson so hot!!! no air cond...."
after few seconds..he call me...
but i didn't notice...
cause i was chatting with my ex-colleagues...
when i notice...he hang up already..==
then i sms him"??"
haha..hope he'll call me back...(save money)...
he do call me...lolx...scolded me..didn't answer his call....haha...
after awhile...i saw him...with one of the executive...
don't know why..i'm feeling uncomfortable...
cause i think " what will people think when they know the Manager calling the ex-worker..."
don't know...
but that day i reli happy...cause can meet him up...
nobody will understand how happy i am that day....^^,

holiday life ...

holiday starts....
i'm now at my hometown...
everyday doing the same thing...same routine...
repeat and repeat....
feels bored...
but i do enjoy this life...
such a relaxing life...
no worries...
no worries towards activities... no meetings....such life so good...
as what he told me..."everyday meeting, u don't feel tired?"
haha...but i tell him..i do tired..but i enjoy the process...
he should understand me..cause he got meeting also...
if not mistaken...the amount should be greater then me...
back to my hometown....
first i like the most is my bed....full of pillows and teddy comfortable...
second is my mom's food....i eat every meal...didn't skipped...
third is Penang food... everyday eat hostel's foods, eat faculty's foods, eat til want vomit blood...
but one thing i scare is....become fat...lolx...
all my friends starts working....left 2 or 3 didn't...some stil boring...
some XX seniors keep asking me whether i want to HX or not....
but...i tell them i won't...
cause my brother planned go for a holiday at that week also...
so its impossible for me to HX...
so enjoy....really hope i can enjoy this holiday...sleep enough....replace back...lolx...
jana!!!! =)

Friday, May 08, 2009


终于考完试了.... First year 就这样的结束了...
是时候想想... 好好的安排我下个学期的生活...

最近都一直在煲戏... 哈哈...
原因很简单.... 大家都回去了...
哈哈... 还好我的室友还没有回...
昨天跟室友到了kajang 的KFC 享用晚餐....


还是第一次嘞... 哈哈!!!
第一次坐在她motor 后面...
但是很开心.... 嘻嘻...

这几天他忙他的project 忙的饭都没有空吃...

在网上download 了不少戏...
而室友就玩online game... ==

昨天.... 另一个他来我的宿舍...
原本说好去唱k 的....
怎知.... 他忙到~~~
于他见面后... 骂了他几句...
哈哈.... 害我爽到...
他的external 的八字好像于我的电脑不合...
每次都不能transfer... 哈哈...
气到他要暴了.... 哈哈哈!!!
最后, 他说今晚再来找我...


还是留等下吧... 要去冲凉了....
然后... 煲戏时间又到了...